Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I talked to a co-worker and friend yesterday and she told me that those "people" we work for fired her. Why?, you may ask? Due to "gross misconduct" for leaving early last Friday without "prior approval" from a manager. There's a couple of things to consider here:
1) She had an active "open door" grievance against several managers in the store. Coincidence? I think not!
2) All of us in the department had been told that week by our manager that if we could "shave some time off" this week that would be good. The store was slow and might go over budget on hours. The manager that said this can't remember saying this now and is "out of town" for "training". And he's a liar. Ask him, he'll tell you he's a liar! Go on do it!!!
3)Our manager was off and our immediate supervisor was on vacation that day... The manager who fired my friend said that she had to deal with an unhappy customer. This is the only reason she even knew about us leaving early. Probably the only reason she was upset about us leaving is because she had to deal with said customer. Otherwise we could all be on fire in this department and no member of management would even notice.
4) This unhappy customer's cake order was in Saturday's slot, with Saturday's date on it. And how were we supposed to know to do it on Friday? Neither of us took the order, nor are we psychic (psychotic maybe). And said customer didn't come to pick up this mystery order until about 3:15 or 3:30... we were supposed to leave at 3pm... wouldn't've been there anyway.
5)ME!!! I'm in limbo now. My friend told me about this on Tuesday afternoon. The "firein' manager" was off today, so I have to wait till tomorrow morning @ 7 to see if I still have a job. So. Not. Fair. I asked my supervisor today if I was getting fired and he said no but I'm not inclined to believe him.... he's not the brightest bulb in the pack.
It all boils down to this... I'm expected to stay late when needed, without having to track down a manager, I'm expected to change my schedule according to the number of orders the next day, without consulting a manager, I was expected to order for my dept. with no approval from a manager, so why dis gotta be a BFD? I hate working... Can't I just win the lottery? Please?


  1. you sooo rock my bff!! Totally appropriate! Fight the power my gurl....
    I MISSSSS UUUUUUU! I know it would've been my day off anyway...but just knowing...
    However, there is a total bright side...ur on vacation next week...ummm..SO AM I! That means we can hook up without worrying about the dumbasses at work! Total coolness!
    Love the blog...gonna keep reading it!
    Much love!
