Friday, July 31, 2009


I have been off for 14 days now. I must go back to work @5am tomorrow. I don't wanna go!!!!! Maybe if I lay on the floor and kick and scream I won't hafta go... nah that never worked as a kid. Mom usually made me do whatever it was I was trying to avoid anyway, and thought of a way for me to hate it more as a punishment for throwing the tantrum.
Not much to report here. We are all doing well ...except I still have to work :( Went to the hospital today to visit a friend. She went in with a really bad bladder infection. They put her on 3 or 4 different meds then she threw up in her sleep and now she has fluid in her lungs and is in intensive care. Been there since Monday. So please send good vibes, pray, make an animal sacrifice... whatever it is that you would do to appease the Gods for her to pull through quickly. Much appreciated.


  1. Hope your friend is well. Please tell me you don't have to write that "why I'm a good employee" essay. If so, I have a few suggestions (if it's not too late).

  2. I had to write the "good employee" essay before my vacation. What irritated the shit out of me was that NO ONE READ IT!! They didn't even ask for it! all that bulshit and for nuttin!
