Monday, July 13, 2009

10 things...

Well my very first blog and I can't think of a damn thing to write about! But I've got the time.... so I'll share 10 things I like to do:

1) I love to get hugs and kisses from my Aidan. I know its cheesy but I'm a mom, so deal with it!

2) to float around in my new pool... especially with my hubby :p

3) Drive... really I have a 5 speed pontiac vibe (i know I'm ultra hip) and there's just something about handling that stick...

4) decorate cakes Its the one thing that people ask ME for advice on... and I don't have to think about it most of the time I can let my mind wander which is dangerous but fun

5) go to the zoo. I love to watch the animals. Gorillas, chimps, otters and elephants I can watch 'em for hours.

6) watch poeple put on makeup. bizarre I know but its just fascinating, but i never wear it so go figure. Youtube is great for this obsession

7)read I'm not just saying that to sound more smarter... I recently zoomed through the Twilight series and now I'm working on Harry Potter, John teases me that Harry gets more attention than him lately. Don't worry honey, only 3 more books to go!

8)watch horror movies. Its so damn funny when the people go "searching" for the noise in the woods... dumbasses

9)laugh... it really is the best medicine. Its how I was taught to deal with things. But people look at you funny when you're laughing at a funeral.

10)get tattooed... I've got 17 so far... someday I hope it will just combine into one all over my body.... OK that isn't true, I just could NOT think of #10. I've still got just the one. But I would like more can't decide on what to get. Here's an option:


  1. That damned Harry Potter. Hopefully, there wont be any more books, adult short stories maybe. And oh yea, the pool is clean mam, when do I get paid?

  2. hmmmm.... which "pool boy" is this?

  3. You had me for a second with that 17 tattoos thing, and I'm shocked you haven't read the whole harry potter series yet.
