Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Trial

Well, thats assuming that the "jury" was willing to hear my side of the story and had not already made up her mind and talked to all other managers in the store and made up their minds also. I was sent up to the office and given a very hostile talking to about leaving early and "letting the customers down" Blah blah blah.... what it boils down to is that onthis SPECIFIC DAY in question, i left early and did not serve the members... never mind the fact that the only reason that she was pissed is b/c she had to go in the freezer and get a freakin cheesecake for someone! that probably took all of 3 minutes out of her very busy schedule! No matter what I had to say she wasn't hearing it. She got pissy when I tried to interrupt her but I couldn't finish a sentence without her interrupting me and saying whatever I had to say was wrong. She also said on several occations that I was lying about certain things when her questions were incredibly vague.... This is pretty much how it went the whole time...
Q: "How many decorators do we have?"
A: "2"
Q: "You need to tell me the truth now... HOW MANY DECORATORS DO WE HAVE?"
A: "we have TWO decorators"
A: " How many did we have that day? 2 How many do we have now? 2 we did have 3 at one point but that day and today the answer is still 2... Maybe I don't understand your question"
Q: "its a simple question... how many decorators do we have?
*** now let's pause right here and say that I have no clue why this is so important to her, how many we have did have will have etc. I'm totally confused and pissed now. Especially later when somehow she threw into the conversation that we have 4 cake decorators? W. T. F.? when was this? was i out that day was she just trying to make me look worse? dammit!****
A: "On Friday we had 2, and 1 on vacat"
Q: " then you have MORE than 2..."
This went on and on and on.... it was like the "who's on first" skit.
I asked her if we could have a short class for managers to learn basics, that I had offered and no one had learned. I was quickly informed that a) it was not in any managers job description to dec. cakes and b) if I had worked my schedule that day, I would have been there to "do my job" and c) that we don't pay managers to do that job, that that is MY JOB!
So I politely pointed out that I'm never allowed to say "its not my job" because we work as a team and in EVERY job description there's a part at the end that says "and whatever else needs to be done... etc" She no likey that...
So serving members huh? thats what its all about (and all this time I thought it was the hokey pokey!) . So someone please explain to me why, if members are sooo damn important, the hell it is that they gave me a d-day (day off to decide "if i want to keep my job") on a thursday when there's 20 orders? thats TWENTY members that will be "let down", because I'm currently the only one in the club that can decorate cakes (one dec having been fired and the other on vacation)!!!!! Compared to the 2 that were "let down" that friday... I suck at math but isn't 20 a whole helluva lot more than 2? So the members are only important when that "lovely child of God" says so? When she has to prove her piont and write me up, the members don't look so much in need now do they? hmmmmm.... She even said several times during the "discussion" that members come first and that I was the only person in the store that could decorate cakes until the other dec gets back from vacation. Really people is it just me? Am I the crazy one? Does any of this make sense to anyone at all? Did I stress yesterday how much I hate working?
OH OH OH AND I now have to write "something" explaining how I will better serve the members in the future and how I can be more of a team player... Homework? thats why I quit college and am a CAKE DECORATOR!!!! I hate homework! alwaly have always will...
I think I'll take Aidan out to a movie this afternoon... or buy lots of lottery tickets.... hmmmm

1 comment:

  1. After futher review, that's just EPIC bullshit. Obviously if employment were more plentiful, my advice would be to tell that stupid bitch to kiss your ass. As far as the 'homework', I understand how you feel there too. Working for the ambulance company, I frequently had to write up incident reports when things happened, you know, like people DYING. That's understandable. Writing a kiss-ass letter on why you should keep your job is just further bullshit.
