Saturday, July 25, 2009

Only Child

Is this really a good idea? I've never thought the answer to be "no" until a few months ago. That's when I first really noticed it. Not just heard it but really listened... Aidan talks to himself. Now I know we all do this but here's how this morning's conversation went:
A: "We're cool- we have backugans!"
A: "Don't tell them that, it was our secret!"
A: "Oh yeah , sorry. We don't really have backugans, I was just kidding"
A: "We knew you guys weren't cool enough to have backugans!"
Ect., etc, etc....
Now mind you, there's no one else in the room and he's playing all the parts in this little scenario. The "backugan gang" and "the others". He talks to the tv, to the fish, to the dog, to all his toys. He's in the other room pretending to "fight Shelby Marx" as I type! I realize that it is stimulating his imagination, but I'm wondering if this is just sheer boredom. His "grandma Bo" will spend every second playing 1000 different games with him and chasing him all around the house and yard. But she also has him once or twice a week and is incredibly fit. (seriously the woman makes us all look bad girls! -Curves everyday, 2 mile power walks- also daily... you know the type... If you're reading this Brabara, you know I'm just jealous!)
All this boils down to is that I'm wondering if the fact that he's been an only child hasto hurt him. Would he be happier if we could've had another kid a yr or 2 after him? I know he's not mental (I might be but he's not) or anything but I'm a Mom and we worry about things like this. Maybe all this practice will help him become a famous actor or writer and he can support Mommy and Daddy in the near future :)


  1. Being an only child, he's going to get more attention from you, which is positive for his social development. Not having a sibling might affect his social development from a "peer" standpoint, which could lead to some social awkwardness. It's hard to tell. If you're really concerned, you could try to set up playdates with other children his age, or maybe consider day care as a way to help with peer interaction. The imaginative play sounds normal to me.

    But then, what would I know about it? :P

  2. He's gone to daycare since he was 18 months old and does really well socially. His cousins just moved here, and he has lots of friends, but the one man shows still worry me. Plus they're funny as hell!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey, you're a Mom. Mom's worry. It's in the job description. Sounds to me like he's just a super imaginative little dude. I was like that, and I turned out fine... oh shit, maybe you should take him to a child shrink. :P
