Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Plot Thickens

OK so i know that you are probably sick of reading about the saga of work, but after talking to several people in the bakery (who ALL agree with me), there are some facts that I wish I'd had on Thursday...
The customer that the ritin' up manager "helped" with the cake was a FRIEND of hers! Does this seem coincidental to anyone else? I mean she's the loss prevention manager and gave this lady a cake from the case. Isn't it kinda hinky how she made such a huge deal outta this little incident and forgot to mention that she goes to church with the "poor lady" that didn't get her cake because I purposely left early just to piss said manager off? Standard procedure is not to give product away, but to try and get the person as close to what they ordered as possible, then discount it if needed.

And another thing she talked of a cheesecake that i so maliciously did not put out just to spite another member. This turns out to be a product that we stopped carrying about 6 months ago! When she talked about this cheesecake she said that it "wasn't out for sale" and she had to "give more product away". what the hell? The real story is that the lady wanted a cheesecake that was sliced. We don't carry that and cannot slice one for her. The person that was in the bakery at the time told the mgr and the member this. Then the member settled for another kind of cheesecake but wanted it for the same price as another one in the case. The mgr told her that SHE COULD NOT DISCOUNT THE CHEESECAKE! What the hell again?

So PLEASE let me know what you all think. I don't want to loose my job but if you know me, you know that I will not be treated like this. I can't decide if I should go to the district manager about this crap. I'm an vacation for 2 weeks, so will it even matter when I get back? Did I mention how I hate working? Nicer blog to come.... stay tuned....


  1. Okay..i'm glued to this blog like a bad soap opera! LOL... You know..the truth will always come out....
    You know..technically you can call b/c you are GETTING's just vacation can also contact Leann ANYTIME for an open door! I wonder...did you know that they hired a new girl & she started on Saturday..caused about 25 of the cakes to be late..although..she has 24+ years experience..the wedding cake I put together did not appear to have ANY kind of experience..I say just start looking for another job! this one ain't worth it..Backstabbing, lying, cheating, etc...people..You are SOOO much better than they are...shit..go to Costco! Hahahahaha

  2. You are so right, it does just make me really MAD!! I so wish I had some advice for you that would make it all better, but that IS why I quit corporate America as it was. These managers are so scared for their jobs, they must point their fingers at the "lowly associates" so they look better. The way I see it, if they DID their jobs the associates would shine! You ARE the best at what you do & you show that with every cake you create. You do not want to do their jobs, they CANNOT do yours, I guess that is intimidating to them. I would hope you can have your day in court so to speak. Just make notes, do NOT go into any meeting like that unarmed. Have your notes, do not let them get the best of you emotionally. They have been trained to do that, which is NOT at all professional. Everybody just needs to learn to play in they own part of the playground. I love you and am very proud of you, I know you put your all into whatever you do, this is why this bothers you so much. You are so wonderful with the written word, maybe writing them an email, cc'ed to everyone, including Mr Walton, would clear things up,at least things would not be he said, she said.
    ENJOY your vacation, you have earned it!!

  3. Your mother's advice is far more productive than anything I could give. I'd have cussed someone out, but then, I don't have your responsibilites. I suggest using your vacation to look for another job.

    So, I'm all caught up! Why didn't you tell me you were blogging? It's awesome and very well written. Don't worry about writing about one subject too often. If that's what's on your mind, so be it! Looking forward to future posts! :)
