I have been off for 14 days now. I must go back to work @5am tomorrow. I don't wanna go!!!!! Maybe if I lay on the floor and kick and scream I won't hafta go... nah that never worked as a kid. Mom usually made me do whatever it was I was trying to avoid anyway, and thought of a way for me to hate it more as a punishment for throwing the tantrum.
Not much to report here. We are all doing well ...except I still have to work :( Went to the hospital today to visit a friend. She went in with a really bad bladder infection. They put her on 3 or 4 different meds then she threw up in her sleep and now she has fluid in her lungs and is in intensive care. Been there since Monday. So please send good vibes, pray, make an animal sacrifice... whatever it is that you would do to appease the Gods for her to pull through quickly. Much appreciated.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Only Child
Is this really a good idea? I've never thought the answer to be "no" until a few months ago. That's when I first really noticed it. Not just heard it but really listened... Aidan talks to himself. Now I know we all do this but here's how this morning's conversation went:
A: "We're cool- we have backugans!"
A: "Don't tell them that, it was our secret!"
A: "Oh yeah , sorry. We don't really have backugans, I was just kidding"
A: "We knew you guys weren't cool enough to have backugans!"
Ect., etc, etc....
Now mind you, there's no one else in the room and he's playing all the parts in this little scenario. The "backugan gang" and "the others". He talks to the tv, to the fish, to the dog, to all his toys. He's in the other room pretending to "fight Shelby Marx" as I type! I realize that it is stimulating his imagination, but I'm wondering if this is just sheer boredom. His "grandma Bo" will spend every second playing 1000 different games with him and chasing him all around the house and yard. But she also has him once or twice a week and is incredibly fit. (seriously the woman makes us all look bad girls! -Curves everyday, 2 mile power walks- also daily... you know the type... If you're reading this Brabara, you know I'm just jealous!)
All this boils down to is that I'm wondering if the fact that he's been an only child hasto hurt him. Would he be happier if we could've had another kid a yr or 2 after him? I know he's not mental (I might be but he's not) or anything but I'm a Mom and we worry about things like this. Maybe all this practice will help him become a famous actor or writer and he can support Mommy and Daddy in the near future :)
A: "We're cool- we have backugans!"
A: "Don't tell them that, it was our secret!"
A: "Oh yeah , sorry. We don't really have backugans, I was just kidding"
A: "We knew you guys weren't cool enough to have backugans!"
Ect., etc, etc....
Now mind you, there's no one else in the room and he's playing all the parts in this little scenario. The "backugan gang" and "the others". He talks to the tv, to the fish, to the dog, to all his toys. He's in the other room pretending to "fight Shelby Marx" as I type! I realize that it is stimulating his imagination, but I'm wondering if this is just sheer boredom. His "grandma Bo" will spend every second playing 1000 different games with him and chasing him all around the house and yard. But she also has him once or twice a week and is incredibly fit. (seriously the woman makes us all look bad girls! -Curves everyday, 2 mile power walks- also daily... you know the type... If you're reading this Brabara, you know I'm just jealous!)
All this boils down to is that I'm wondering if the fact that he's been an only child hasto hurt him. Would he be happier if we could've had another kid a yr or 2 after him? I know he's not mental (I might be but he's not) or anything but I'm a Mom and we worry about things like this. Maybe all this practice will help him become a famous actor or writer and he can support Mommy and Daddy in the near future :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Plot Thickens
OK so i know that you are probably sick of reading about the saga of work, but after talking to several people in the bakery (who ALL agree with me), there are some facts that I wish I'd had on Thursday...
The customer that the ritin' up manager "helped" with the cake was a FRIEND of hers! Does this seem coincidental to anyone else? I mean she's the loss prevention manager and gave this lady a cake from the case. Isn't it kinda hinky how she made such a huge deal outta this little incident and forgot to mention that she goes to church with the "poor lady" that didn't get her cake because I purposely left early just to piss said manager off? Standard procedure is not to give product away, but to try and get the person as close to what they ordered as possible, then discount it if needed.
And another thing she talked of a cheesecake that i so maliciously did not put out just to spite another member. This turns out to be a product that we stopped carrying about 6 months ago! When she talked about this cheesecake she said that it "wasn't out for sale" and she had to "give more product away". what the hell? The real story is that the lady wanted a cheesecake that was sliced. We don't carry that and cannot slice one for her. The person that was in the bakery at the time told the mgr and the member this. Then the member settled for another kind of cheesecake but wanted it for the same price as another one in the case. The mgr told her that SHE COULD NOT DISCOUNT THE CHEESECAKE! What the hell again?
So PLEASE let me know what you all think. I don't want to loose my job but if you know me, you know that I will not be treated like this. I can't decide if I should go to the district manager about this crap. I'm an vacation for 2 weeks, so will it even matter when I get back? Did I mention how I hate working? Nicer blog to come.... stay tuned....
The customer that the ritin' up manager "helped" with the cake was a FRIEND of hers! Does this seem coincidental to anyone else? I mean she's the loss prevention manager and gave this lady a cake from the case. Isn't it kinda hinky how she made such a huge deal outta this little incident and forgot to mention that she goes to church with the "poor lady" that didn't get her cake because I purposely left early just to piss said manager off? Standard procedure is not to give product away, but to try and get the person as close to what they ordered as possible, then discount it if needed.
And another thing she talked of a cheesecake that i so maliciously did not put out just to spite another member. This turns out to be a product that we stopped carrying about 6 months ago! When she talked about this cheesecake she said that it "wasn't out for sale" and she had to "give more product away". what the hell? The real story is that the lady wanted a cheesecake that was sliced. We don't carry that and cannot slice one for her. The person that was in the bakery at the time told the mgr and the member this. Then the member settled for another kind of cheesecake but wanted it for the same price as another one in the case. The mgr told her that SHE COULD NOT DISCOUNT THE CHEESECAKE! What the hell again?
So PLEASE let me know what you all think. I don't want to loose my job but if you know me, you know that I will not be treated like this. I can't decide if I should go to the district manager about this crap. I'm an vacation for 2 weeks, so will it even matter when I get back? Did I mention how I hate working? Nicer blog to come.... stay tuned....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Trial
Well, thats assuming that the "jury" was willing to hear my side of the story and had not already made up her mind and talked to all other managers in the store and made up their minds also. I was sent up to the office and given a very hostile talking to about leaving early and "letting the customers down" Blah blah blah.... what it boils down to is that onthis SPECIFIC DAY in question, i left early and did not serve the members... never mind the fact that the only reason that she was pissed is b/c she had to go in the freezer and get a freakin cheesecake for someone! that probably took all of 3 minutes out of her very busy schedule! No matter what I had to say she wasn't hearing it. She got pissy when I tried to interrupt her but I couldn't finish a sentence without her interrupting me and saying whatever I had to say was wrong. She also said on several occations that I was lying about certain things when her questions were incredibly vague.... This is pretty much how it went the whole time...
Q: "How many decorators do we have?"
A: "2"
Q: "You need to tell me the truth now... HOW MANY DECORATORS DO WE HAVE?"
A: "we have TWO decorators"
A: " How many did we have that day? 2 How many do we have now? 2 we did have 3 at one point but that day and today the answer is still 2... Maybe I don't understand your question"
Q: "its a simple question... how many decorators do we have?
*** now let's pause right here and say that I have no clue why this is so important to her, how many we have did have will have etc. I'm totally confused and pissed now. Especially later when somehow she threw into the conversation that we have 4 cake decorators? W. T. F.? when was this? was i out that day was she just trying to make me look worse? dammit!****
A: "On Friday we had 2, and 1 on vacat"
Q: " then you have MORE than 2..."
This went on and on and on.... it was like the "who's on first" skit.
I asked her if we could have a short class for managers to learn basics, that I had offered and no one had learned. I was quickly informed that a) it was not in any managers job description to dec. cakes and b) if I had worked my schedule that day, I would have been there to "do my job" and c) that we don't pay managers to do that job, that that is MY JOB!
So I politely pointed out that I'm never allowed to say "its not my job" because we work as a team and in EVERY job description there's a part at the end that says "and whatever else needs to be done... etc" She no likey that...
So serving members huh? thats what its all about (and all this time I thought it was the hokey pokey!) . So someone please explain to me why, if members are sooo damn important, the hell it is that they gave me a d-day (day off to decide "if i want to keep my job") on a thursday when there's 20 orders? thats TWENTY members that will be "let down", because I'm currently the only one in the club that can decorate cakes (one dec having been fired and the other on vacation)!!!!! Compared to the 2 that were "let down" that friday... I suck at math but isn't 20 a whole helluva lot more than 2? So the members are only important when that "lovely child of God" says so? When she has to prove her piont and write me up, the members don't look so much in need now do they? hmmmmm.... She even said several times during the "discussion" that members come first and that I was the only person in the store that could decorate cakes until the other dec gets back from vacation. Really people is it just me? Am I the crazy one? Does any of this make sense to anyone at all? Did I stress yesterday how much I hate working?
OH OH OH AND I now have to write "something" explaining how I will better serve the members in the future and how I can be more of a team player... Homework? thats why I quit college and am a CAKE DECORATOR!!!! I hate homework! alwaly have always will...
I think I'll take Aidan out to a movie this afternoon... or buy lots of lottery tickets.... hmmmm
Q: "How many decorators do we have?"
A: "2"
Q: "You need to tell me the truth now... HOW MANY DECORATORS DO WE HAVE?"
A: "we have TWO decorators"
A: " How many did we have that day? 2 How many do we have now? 2 we did have 3 at one point but that day and today the answer is still 2... Maybe I don't understand your question"
Q: "its a simple question... how many decorators do we have?
*** now let's pause right here and say that I have no clue why this is so important to her, how many we have did have will have etc. I'm totally confused and pissed now. Especially later when somehow she threw into the conversation that we have 4 cake decorators? W. T. F.? when was this? was i out that day was she just trying to make me look worse? dammit!****
A: "On Friday we had 2, and 1 on vacat"
Q: " then you have MORE than 2..."
This went on and on and on.... it was like the "who's on first" skit.
I asked her if we could have a short class for managers to learn basics, that I had offered and no one had learned. I was quickly informed that a) it was not in any managers job description to dec. cakes and b) if I had worked my schedule that day, I would have been there to "do my job" and c) that we don't pay managers to do that job, that that is MY JOB!
So I politely pointed out that I'm never allowed to say "its not my job" because we work as a team and in EVERY job description there's a part at the end that says "and whatever else needs to be done... etc" She no likey that...
So serving members huh? thats what its all about (and all this time I thought it was the hokey pokey!) . So someone please explain to me why, if members are sooo damn important, the hell it is that they gave me a d-day (day off to decide "if i want to keep my job") on a thursday when there's 20 orders? thats TWENTY members that will be "let down", because I'm currently the only one in the club that can decorate cakes (one dec having been fired and the other on vacation)!!!!! Compared to the 2 that were "let down" that friday... I suck at math but isn't 20 a whole helluva lot more than 2? So the members are only important when that "lovely child of God" says so? When she has to prove her piont and write me up, the members don't look so much in need now do they? hmmmmm.... She even said several times during the "discussion" that members come first and that I was the only person in the store that could decorate cakes until the other dec gets back from vacation. Really people is it just me? Am I the crazy one? Does any of this make sense to anyone at all? Did I stress yesterday how much I hate working?
OH OH OH AND I now have to write "something" explaining how I will better serve the members in the future and how I can be more of a team player... Homework? thats why I quit college and am a CAKE DECORATOR!!!! I hate homework! alwaly have always will...
I think I'll take Aidan out to a movie this afternoon... or buy lots of lottery tickets.... hmmmm
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
So I talked to a co-worker and friend yesterday and she told me that those "people" we work for fired her. Why?, you may ask? Due to "gross misconduct" for leaving early last Friday without "prior approval" from a manager. There's a couple of things to consider here:
1) She had an active "open door" grievance against several managers in the store. Coincidence? I think not!
2) All of us in the department had been told that week by our manager that if we could "shave some time off" this week that would be good. The store was slow and might go over budget on hours. The manager that said this can't remember saying this now and is "out of town" for "training". And he's a liar. Ask him, he'll tell you he's a liar! Go on do it!!!
3)Our manager was off and our immediate supervisor was on vacation that day... The manager who fired my friend said that she had to deal with an unhappy customer. This is the only reason she even knew about us leaving early. Probably the only reason she was upset about us leaving is because she had to deal with said customer. Otherwise we could all be on fire in this department and no member of management would even notice.
4) This unhappy customer's cake order was in Saturday's slot, with Saturday's date on it. And how were we supposed to know to do it on Friday? Neither of us took the order, nor are we psychic (psychotic maybe). And said customer didn't come to pick up this mystery order until about 3:15 or 3:30... we were supposed to leave at 3pm... wouldn't've been there anyway.
5)ME!!! I'm in limbo now. My friend told me about this on Tuesday afternoon. The "firein' manager" was off today, so I have to wait till tomorrow morning @ 7 to see if I still have a job. So. Not. Fair. I asked my supervisor today if I was getting fired and he said no but I'm not inclined to believe him.... he's not the brightest bulb in the pack.
It all boils down to this... I'm expected to stay late when needed, without having to track down a manager, I'm expected to change my schedule according to the number of orders the next day, without consulting a manager, I was expected to order for my dept. with no approval from a manager, so why dis gotta be a BFD? I hate working... Can't I just win the lottery? Please?
1) She had an active "open door" grievance against several managers in the store. Coincidence? I think not!
2) All of us in the department had been told that week by our manager that if we could "shave some time off" this week that would be good. The store was slow and might go over budget on hours. The manager that said this can't remember saying this now and is "out of town" for "training". And he's a liar. Ask him, he'll tell you he's a liar! Go on do it!!!
3)Our manager was off and our immediate supervisor was on vacation that day... The manager who fired my friend said that she had to deal with an unhappy customer. This is the only reason she even knew about us leaving early. Probably the only reason she was upset about us leaving is because she had to deal with said customer. Otherwise we could all be on fire in this department and no member of management would even notice.
4) This unhappy customer's cake order was in Saturday's slot, with Saturday's date on it. And how were we supposed to know to do it on Friday? Neither of us took the order, nor are we psychic (psychotic maybe). And said customer didn't come to pick up this mystery order until about 3:15 or 3:30... we were supposed to leave at 3pm... wouldn't've been there anyway.
5)ME!!! I'm in limbo now. My friend told me about this on Tuesday afternoon. The "firein' manager" was off today, so I have to wait till tomorrow morning @ 7 to see if I still have a job. So. Not. Fair. I asked my supervisor today if I was getting fired and he said no but I'm not inclined to believe him.... he's not the brightest bulb in the pack.
It all boils down to this... I'm expected to stay late when needed, without having to track down a manager, I'm expected to change my schedule according to the number of orders the next day, without consulting a manager, I was expected to order for my dept. with no approval from a manager, so why dis gotta be a BFD? I hate working... Can't I just win the lottery? Please?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
yeah new post
today You will be learning the top 10...
sites most visited by me, at least according to what my laptop says.
1) yahoo homepage, Duh
2)TV guide dot com~ gotta know when iCarly's comin on for the boy. really its for him I promise ;)
3)pogo~ I'm hooked on Scrabble Blast!
4)Facebook~ this is surprising, maybe its from im- ing John so much
5)cbs.com~ Harper's Island! love that series!
6)YouTube~ GoldieStarling, Bradinthedesert, LazyDork, Boh3m3, LISANOVA, various other things you can randomly bounce to and from for hours at a time! Found out the other day that the Buckingham Palace even has a channel. Though I liked it better when it was more of a secret and less commercial.
7)Brad in the desert.... This is a blog by a high school friend (yes I still consider you a friend!). The reason why its in my top 10 is a long story but lets just say the profile pic is changed and Brad is just a little sad about it ;)
8)Sudoku... love it!
9)Craig's List: gotta find "sexy singles in my area"~ just kidding they have free stuff do I hafta say more?
10)Jigzone.com.... online puzzles... Aidan is entertained, no cartoon characters, no pieces lost or left on the floor... yeah I like to play it too.
Well I can say that I'm surprised thehun isnt on there. John must not be on my laptop as much as I thought. I bet its on his top 10 though :)
sites most visited by me, at least according to what my laptop says.
1) yahoo homepage, Duh
2)TV guide dot com~ gotta know when iCarly's comin on for the boy. really its for him I promise ;)
3)pogo~ I'm hooked on Scrabble Blast!
4)Facebook~ this is surprising, maybe its from im- ing John so much
5)cbs.com~ Harper's Island! love that series!
6)YouTube~ GoldieStarling, Bradinthedesert, LazyDork, Boh3m3, LISANOVA, various other things you can randomly bounce to and from for hours at a time! Found out the other day that the Buckingham Palace even has a channel. Though I liked it better when it was more of a secret and less commercial.
7)Brad in the desert.... This is a blog by a high school friend (yes I still consider you a friend!). The reason why its in my top 10 is a long story but lets just say the profile pic is changed and Brad is just a little sad about it ;)
8)Sudoku... love it!
9)Craig's List: gotta find "sexy singles in my area"~ just kidding they have free stuff do I hafta say more?
10)Jigzone.com.... online puzzles... Aidan is entertained, no cartoon characters, no pieces lost or left on the floor... yeah I like to play it too.
Well I can say that I'm surprised thehun isnt on there. John must not be on my laptop as much as I thought. I bet its on his top 10 though :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
10 things...
Well my very first blog and I can't think of a damn thing to write about! But I've got the time.... so I'll share 10 things I like to do:
1) I love to get hugs and kisses from my Aidan. I know its cheesy but I'm a mom, so deal with it!
2) to float around in my new pool... especially with my hubby :p
3) Drive... really I have a 5 speed pontiac vibe (i know I'm ultra hip) and there's just something about handling that stick...
4) decorate cakes Its the one thing that people ask ME for advice on... and I don't have to think about it most of the time I can let my mind wander which is dangerous but fun
5) go to the zoo. I love to watch the animals. Gorillas, chimps, otters and elephants I can watch 'em for hours.
6) watch poeple put on makeup. bizarre I know but its just fascinating, but i never wear it so go figure. Youtube is great for this obsession
7)read I'm not just saying that to sound more smarter... I recently zoomed through the Twilight series and now I'm working on Harry Potter, John teases me that Harry gets more attention than him lately. Don't worry honey, only 3 more books to go!
8)watch horror movies. Its so damn funny when the people go "searching" for the noise in the woods... dumbasses
9)laugh... it really is the best medicine. Its how I was taught to deal with things. But people look at you funny when you're laughing at a funeral.
10)get tattooed... I've got 17 so far... someday I hope it will just combine into one all over my body.... OK that isn't true, I just could NOT think of #10. I've still got just the one. But I would like more can't decide on what to get. Here's an option:

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