Wednesday, August 12, 2009

whats new?

Sittin here watchin Ghost Hunters. LOVE the show. But John brought up a good point the other day. He thinks its funny how when certain people are investigating, their batteries go dead. Camcorder, flashlight, etc. They explain this by saying that the entity pulls energy from these devices to manifest itself. That's all very well in theory but what John pointed out (yeah I'm gettin to it!) is that the camera crew's batteries never die! never... guess their batteries are no good for the ghosties.
Also we as a family had our eye dr appts this week. Between John, me and Aidan, we spent more than $300!!!! Yes, Aidan needs glasses... not surprising but i wish they could make them indestructible. We got him the flexion frames, but seriously, we're talkin about Aidan here. Mom and I have a bet going about whether he will loose them or break them first. He's gonna be an expensive kid....
Also Aidan and his cousins have been going to a day camp this summer. Today they took a field trip to a pool. I gave Aidan $10 for the snack bar... Andrew and Jackson (yeah I know...) each had $5... the kids came back with a total of a quarter!!! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS!!!! The chil'rens have NO sense of how to handle money... they each had like 5 popsicles, and pizza and chips, etc....
Oh and the fishies... At the beginning of my vacation, Aidan and I (heavy on the I easy on the Aidan) cleaned out the little pond in front of the house. It was still full of leaves and debris from the trees and the boys throwing stones and stuff in it. We (I) wanted to get the 4 fish outta there and let them breathe fresh water for a while. Plus there was i thought about 5 inches of water and trash in there. I set up the fish tank and started scooping the crap outta the pond. It was wretched. Rotting leaves really reek! So I'm scooping all IN the pond (it was deeper than I thought about 18 in deep) and look down and saw what I thought were tadpoles. So I decide to get the net from the pool and turns out the fish have been busy! We ended up with 4 big fish and 20 or so little ones, of various sizes. maybe 3 litters or so, is that what you call them "litters"? Anyway fast forward and I counted yesterday and there are still 4 biguns but only 9 or 10 little uns (those fuckers are hard to count when they're movin!).... no floaters... no parts... guess the biguns got hungry?
Until next time.... don't let your bat-tries die, don't give the chil'rens money and FEED YOUR FISH!!!